EngSub《這!就是街舞S3 Street Dance Of China S3》【全12集】王嘉爾 王一博 鍾漢良 張藝興
劇情簡介:綜藝《這!就是街舞》第三季,組成耳目一新的隊長陣容,身體力行詮釋“愛、和平與尊重”的街舞精神,在節目中選擇優秀舞者,組成屬於自己的街舞戰隊,並帶領這支團隊一路突破和挑戰,爭奪中國街舞的超級榮耀。該綜藝於2021年播出。 (轉自優酷)
"This! In the third season of "It’s Hip-hop", a refreshing captain lineup was formed to interpret the spirit of "love, peace and respect" in the street dance. In the show, excellent dancers were selected to form their own street dance team and lead this team to breakthrough and challenge , To compete for the super glory of Chinese street dance.